วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Change - It's Good For Ya!

When did the American character become so negative, so pessimistic?

Many times a day I encounter headlines:

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- "Situation bad, will get worse."

Change - It's Good For Ya!

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- "Many will not survive - outlook gloomy for business."

- "Machines will control our lives whether we want them to or not."

- "The future is out of our control."


When Congress passed a declaration of war at the start of WWII, Americans were justifiably nervous. Yet we did not enter that war with a false negative, "We'll probably lose". Instead, the attitude was "We'll get it done no matter what it takes, and we will win." The U.S. believed we were winners. The newspapers of the day put more ink into why and how the U.S. would win instead of why the U.S. would probably lose.

When John F. Kennedy declared a national goal to land a U.S. spacecraft on the moon in under a decade, the national character responded with "It'll take a lot of work, but we'll do it."

But times have changed. Now immigrants coming to America are four times more likely to become millionaires than those that are born in the U.S. Why? They believe in the True America. The Real America. They don't take their freedom or our country's unlimited opportunities for granted. With this optimistic outlook firmly rooted, they succeed.

The good news is that you have the same freedoms. The same opportunities. You can choose to sit around sucking your thumb with the "I-deserve-it" gangs or carry on the original American character of courage, optimism and freedom.

Despite your choice remember this: Change does not mean pain. Change means growth. Change means opportunity.

The caterpillar must change to become a butterfly. Your car's engine must change to run properly (oil, filter, spark plugs, etc). The seasons must change to replenish the soil and renew our spirits. (Your kids would never move out of the house without change!) So focus on finding new opportunities in this time of change. As a bonus, while you focus on growthful changes in your business you'll be ignoring all the pessimism that stumps your competition, which means you'll be growing twice as fast!

That's the concept. Are you ready for the specifics?

Change #1 - "My phone's not ringing like it used to."

Reason: The marketplace either doesn't know about you, or worse, they do!

Solutions: Enter your office (or view your website) as though you were a new client and honestly ask yourself "What do my new clients see, and how does it affect them?"). Create a new telephone message with an inspirational quote; measure your advertising and marketing, and pull the plug on all that are ineffective NOW; revise your e-mail greetings and signatures; start a weekly/monthly newsletter; invite your 10 best clients to lunch or dinner and solicit their feedback and input; start a company blog; expand your website to include more valuable content for visitors; find speaking opportunities in your community and/or industry to build your presence; optimize your website for maximum search engine results; open an eBay/Yahoo/Facebook storefront; retain an outside professional (not your mom, husband, cousin or partner) to come in and tell you what you need to know vs. what you think you want to hear about your advertising, marketing, PR and selling abilities.

Change #2 - "I'm quoting more deals but winning fewer of them."

Reason: You're chasing deals and responding to bids like a beggar instead of seeing yourself as a consultant and driving your own sales cycles.

Solutions: Issue a "no discounting" policy and hold everyone to it. If you're really sick of being pushed around raise your prices! Then get a backbone when a prospect calls for a bid and tell them, "Thank you for the bid opportunity. May I ask why you picked us?" When they are done giving you EXTREMELY IMPORTANT information on why they called you then ask, "What are your top three non-negotiable criteria for selecting the winning vendor?" If they answer "price" you then tell them, "Joe, I'm not going to be the low bidder. As a matter of fact, I may be the highest bidder so should I even bid?" The ball's now in their court. Let them fuddle and muddle around trying to figure out the next step but at least you won't be wasting hours or days acting like a "quote monkey" and chasing phantom deals with your tongue out gasping, "Are you ready yet? Are you ready yet? Are you ready yet?" Then, with all of that spare time you can go prospect for REAL clients. Note: This will not be easy to do after years or even decades of quoting and hoping. If you're serious about stopping this bad habit then stop it. If you need a little encouragement in this area please call me and register for my next workshop in June called "Tools and Techniques for Profitable Persuasion."

Change #3 - "My market is shrinking."

Reason: It happens. Trees don't grow to the moon. Or you got lazy and took your clients, the market, your business for granted.

Solutions: Confirm that it is your desire to be the last "tree" standing if that's what it takes to survive and thrive. If the answer is "yes" then pour yourself your favorite beverage, turn off the ringer on your phone, shut down the email, put your feet on your desk, close your eyes, and imagine! Imagine how your business could grow; what could be cut?; what could be expanded?; what could be modified? how? what else could your business do?

I can hear you doubting Thompsons now, "What in darnation are you saying, Wes? Put my feet on the desk? Think? Rest? Imagine? Doggone! I ain't got time for that! I'm so busy adding numbers for all these proposals that I don't have time to go buy a calculator! And you want me to put my feet on my desk? NOT answer my phone! Let emails sit more than 7.3 seconds? HMPH! Where's that Delete button? Besides, everyone knows it's 'doubting Thomases' not 'Thompsons'. What do you know if you don't know that? I'll go back to my proposal-makin' and sendin' with my feet planted FIRMLY on the ground, not budging, not moving an inch, doing the same ol', same 'ol."

For those still with me, welcome and congratulations. Please read on to see where I found this crazy idea.

J.Paul Getty (the now deceased oil billionaire) wrote that the executives he promoted were those who would pause and consider where the company should go next. The executives he did not promote were those who were always busy, as they put no time into looking to the future.

You can imagine things differently. You MUST imagine things differently and then take action.

Do you need an example of successfully thinking differently about thinking different successful thoughts? This sentence is a mouthful! BUT it makes you slow down and read it a couple of times. Then taking action to achieve new growth? Consider Gore, Inc. The first major product was a waterproof fabric that was also breathable. The filament used to make that fabric was later adapted for wiring. Next it was made into dental floss, which you can buy under the name Glide. Tarps to clothes to boots to dental floss. How much can you change?

Warning: Raw, unadulterated sales offer approaching! If you need help in any of these areas (Which areas? Restate) please give me a call at 714.369.8004. I'll ask you a few questions to see how serious and motivated you are about improving your business. If I think I can help you I'll either ask you to enroll in one my ongoing classes listed here or I'll send you one of a couple of in-depth questionnaires. But there's a catch. To see how I think, to make you think, and for 2 hours of my time to review the questionnaire with you I charge 0. The reason I charge for the form is that many of my clients know the path they must follow once they spend the time with their feet on the desk pondering the questions I ask them. And the only way I can get you to take the time to put your own feet on your own desk is to charge you! Consider it a brain massage for an hour!

John Adams once said that "we'll all hang together...or separately." Now's the time to forge relationships and partnerships and friendships that will last a lifetime. Those without hope are crawling into their caves. Tomorrow's leaders are stepping out and stepping up. Keep the faith. Develop a mentality of abundance. Together we can achieve greatness.

In the next issue of "The Whisper" we begin the "Anatomy of Sales Series" starting with "Anatomy of Prospecting". Through this series you'll gain a powerful insight into the prospecting process and will be equipped with essential tools you can use to make your prospecting more effective and profitable.

Change - It's Good For Ya!

