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Natural movement strategies are low energy consuming, omni directional, flexible as in walking

An age old trusted heritage of life
skills that develops balance and
wellness in to your lifestyle.

TAI JUTSU – Natural Movement Heritage
Hatsumi Sensei began our instruction in Amatsu principles by explaining two
important fundamental concepts. He explained that the study of Gairon and Tai Jutsu
were connected and vital to our ability to receive his teaching. Without understanding
these principles, we could not continue.
Gairon is the underpinning or foundation of Amatsu. He describes this essence as
sensing the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. Gairon also interprets as
seeing the whole picture and its thread in any given situation.
“Gaia the Greek goddess of the earth.” “The relationship between the
biosphere and Gaia is like that between your body and you. The biosphere is
the three dimensional geographic region where living organisms exist. Gaia is
the super organism composed of all life tightly coupled with the air, the oceans
and the surface locks.” Lovelock, J. GAIA A New look at life on Earth.
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Tai Jutsu is more than just a skill or body movement, it is a feeling, an essence born
from nature.
He explained to us that without Tai Jutsu (Natural Movement), then nothing would
exist in the universe. This applies to weather patterns, water flow, opening of flowers
and human development.
The Hichi Buko Goshin Jutsu tradition holds the secret of the opening of flowers, the
very essence of life on our planet.
Victor Schauberger a natural scientist describes it in the following way:
“Were water actually what hydrologist deem it to be – a chemically-inert
substance-then a long time ago there would already have been no water and no
life on this Earth. I regard water as the blood of the Earth. Its internal
process, while not identical to that of our blood, is nonetheless very similar. It
is this process that gives water its movement. I would compare this inner
motion, the origin of all possible physical movement, to that of a blossoming
flower bud. As it unfolds, it creates a vortex-like crown of petals, in the centre
and at the end of which stands the true secret of motion-life in statu nascendi,
in the form of a concentration of movement”.
Viktor Schauberger
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

Natural movement strategies are low energy consuming, omni directional, flexible as in walking

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Hi Chi Buko Goshin Jutsu
The school of the secret of the opening flower. The secret of the opening flower is the
interplay of nature’s forces of compression and tension in a state of equilibrium. The
expression of the opening of the flower is the bias of the dynamic power of tension
from within and the interplay of compression from without, giving form to the flower.
In the coming into being as form, the tension inside the flower overcomes the
compression of gravity and external force keeping it as a bud. As with all three
dimensional form being part of the Kyu Jutsu cycle of 50/50 balance (a concept of
balance between insubstantial and substantial form existing as one entity.) Being in
form is the footprint of its past and the precursor of its eventual degeneration. This is
the Ko/Ku cycle of birth/death creation and destruction of earthly form.

Victor Schauberger a natural scientist in the 1930’s describes this form from a watery
origin as our very metamorphis, the coming into being of form.
The form that evolves from the metamorphis of water is built from its liquid prestress
intelligence. Biological structures come into form from a liquid or water origin with a
prestress intelligence to withstand the stresses of compression and tension. As life on
earth, this can manifest as life in air with gravity or underwater depending on its
ecological circumstances.

This ease of evolvement in nature follows the concept of doing more with less known
as “ephemerialisation”. From these origins, any evolvement can be explained through
the science now known as Biotensegrity.

Dr. Stephen Levin’s research in Biotensegrity holds the view that the body is a
tensegrity truss system with tension members provided by a matrix of connective
tissues, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels, nerves and fascia.
In this model, the bones are considered as spacers, not weight bearers along with
incompressible fluids giving shape and form to a soft tissue entity.
In keeping with this theory of the body being a soft tissue continuum, Hatsumi Sensei
demonstrated to us the concept of a one point therapeutic protocol. This was possible
because of the principle of Gairon utilising the interconnectedness of all the biological
structures of our bodies.

“The continuity or global interconnectedness of the living matrix is essential
to the understanding of the body and the role of energetics in health and
disease”. Oschman, J. Energy Medicine (P232)
He taught us that to apply pressure on one point affected all parts and explained that
with the body movement “Tai Jutsu” you were able to follow the torsional directions
of vulnerable or damaged tissue. He explained that these points of interaction were
known as Kyusho, where change at one point had a critical effect on the whole.
Water in its structured form is enclosed in the body in fascial compartments. It helps
to provide shock absorption and holds shape of a tissue. The different densities of
liquids contribute to their form as either a sol or gel.
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

Therefore, as we move from liquid state to a denser tissue determines how the tissue
reacts. This effect carries on through all tissues from fascia to bone.
To begin to understand how these concepts relate to Amatsu and natural movement
power we need to gain an understanding and awareness of the natural flow of energy
and the forces of nature, both on a tangible and intangible level.
In the cycle of precipitation, water falls from the clouds in the form of rain or snow
and eventually finds its way back to the sea. Water falls from the sky and flows
downhill due to the force of gravity. Once in the sea, water rises in the form of
vapour overcoming gravity via evaporation. As it moves, it forms clouds, which are
then driven, back over land where the process starts all over again.
This cycle involves FU (wind), SUI (water) and the natural forces and energies of
gravity and heat. This is a natural example of the interaction of wind and water
following the laws of attraction and minimal energy.

When we choose to ignore nature or work against it, the consequences can be both
unhealthy and energy consuming.
In modernised society, people sit, walk, drive and work in mechanically orientated
patterns. Even in sports you see repetitive and biased movement sequences. This
leads to many postural and musculo-skeletal strain patterns in the body.
Many occupations give rise to repetitive strain injuries that bring pain and
incompetence to our bodies.
Natural movement strategies are low energy consuming, omni directional, flexible
and simple.
To come to an understanding of natural movement principles we need to look at
available scientific data.
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

Our role as therapists examining Ampuka (organ ecology) is to identify these
restrictions and their anatomical implications. From their organ sites, we can follow
lines of tension involvement to come to an understanding of their symptomatic and
anatomico-physiological patterns.
This helps to understand cause/effect factors and possible postural biases contributing
to a given pathology.
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

Standard methods of evaluating the body were based on Newtonian physics but this
model does not fit our upright bipedal movement against gravity.
Newtonian physics can measure and calculate the strength of structures and the
stresses they become subject to.
In the construction of buildings, especially tall structures, gravity plays a big part in
their stability. The downward compressive force of gravity holds the structure in
This works well until you want to add a horizontal structure to the upright one. This
horizontal structure adds a shear stress to the building and requires reinforcement.
Any additional stresses due to wind or earth tremor complicate the system even
It’s estimated that if the human frame were constructed according to these rules, the
head would be too heavy for the spine to handle. All this before we even begin to
move in three-dimensional space.
Unfortunately, the body is still reviewed and described in outmoded mechanical
anatomical terms. Until the concept of Biotensegrity, the laws describing anatomical
movement were according to Newtonian principles.
Gravity Creates Stability Shear Stress
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

In a tensegrity structure, compression elements float in the interspace of the tension
wires. In the body, this would relate to the vertebrae in the spine. Each subsystem
(vertebrae, disc and soft tissue) would be a subsystem of the spines meta system, like
the beehive analogy.
When viewed in this way you can understand their role in balancing tension and
compression when stress is applied to the human frame. Extracts from ‘Spine’ state
of the Art Reviews Vol , No 2, May 1995, Hanley and Belfast, Philadelphia, Ed
Thomas Deman M.D
Loads applied to the body distribute their pressure through the network of tension
elements to create a balance. Even a pressure load to a small bone will distribute the
load through the whole system.
A natural movement strategy in tensegrity truss architectural form is the closest
explanation of nature’s laws at work in the human frame.
Human beings are the only creatures that need to be taught to more naturally.
Hatsumi Lectures 1995

This bio tensegrity makes the art of upright walking against gravities compression an
effortless act for the human. In Newtonian principles when we walk the meta tarso
pharangeal junction is described as a fulcrum for the whole body weight to project
itself forward in a step.
In a lever system you can only pull down. Muscles when they contract in the body
can only pull us downward. Therefore when the small muscles in the feet contract the
downward pull generated cannot give enough power for a lever such as the meta tarso
pharyngeal joint.
This puts a whole new complexion on the natural movement principles that Hatsumi
explained to us.
Bones floating in a compression, tension network can form into trusses and extend out
from the body like a bridge. This makes the body a weight mover not a weight
bearer. So in walking and especially when your on one leg, the balanced tension
maintains the integrity. “Hatsumi says that you must learn to float in your walk”
Hatsumi (2003).

Dr. Stephen Levin in his research of Biotensegrity has studied the pelvis and its
ligamentous arrangement and likened it to a spoked wheel. The pelvis remains
balanced to forces acting both from above and below with long levers. Even the act
of standing on one leg does not compromise this structure of support.
Viewed from the front the pelvis can be likened to the same bicycle wheel analogy.
Diagrams with kind permission of
Dr. Stephen Levin
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

If you imagine the bicycles wheel as being twisted it forms a leminiscate giving rise
to the paired innominate bones. The sacrum still in the centre is represented by the
hub. The tensegrity across such a structure gives omni directional stability and
Even the balance of the sacrum between the two iliac bones is supported by soft tissue
To liken the pelvis to an arch suggests that the sacrum is fixed like a locking stone in
a Roman arch or flying buttress.

Form Fit Force Fit
This would require either a form fit or a force fit to secure it in place. Both of these
methods require a lot of friction and are not omni directional flexible and low energy
The boot mechanism of the sacrum is covered with a slippery surface making form fit
or force fit impractical.
The sacrum actually hangs in front of the pelvis and the angle would simple fall
forward. The tiny movements possible at the boot mechanism articulation also follow
a leminiscate pattern and mirror the pelvic analogy to a twisted bicycle wheel.
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

These movements can only be made possible in a tensegrous truss system. Levin. S,
The ligaments and soft tissues are “constructed with soft visceoelastic
materials that behave non linearly” Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and
Biology Vol 2,3 and 4, 375-388 World Scientific Publishing Co.
The difference between a mechanical structure and a human in motion is this nonlinear
flexibility of choice in movement.
“In Newtonian physics a four dimensional universe is often described as a
giant clockworks in three dimensional space manifesting linear processes in
time” Power Vs Force D, Hawkins. (2002)
In other words, movement of a structure is determined by a concept of causality.
One-step sequentially leading to the next in mechanical formation.
The human frame is not ruled by this concept and is capable of nondeterministic,
omni directional change inside of movements. This is like changing the formation of
a step when you realise you are going to trip
In the mechanical structure, movement can be created by a cogged mechanism. With
cogs of different sizes and working at different speeds, movement can be created to
drive machines. For example, smaller cogs influencing larger wheels can drive a
In any system like this, there is a critical point where a small force exerted on one of
the cogs could exert the greatest effect on all the cogs.
In the human biological frame these critical points also exist, how many of us have
tripped over a stone? One critical point can affect the whole of our mechanism
Critical Point Even a toothpick could grind the mechanism to a halt
©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

because of the interconnectedness of our tensegrity members in the soft tissues of the
In the human body, there are many anatomical vulnerable sites where a small force
can exert considerable damage, even death. In budo warrior craft, these points were
studied to gain victory in a fight situation. Even when a person wears armour,
vulnerable places are left exposed at the expense of movement.
Hatsumi teaches the vulnerability of these critical points in the body in his lessons on
Budo. In Japanese, they are called Kyusho and the Kanji or Japanese ideogram for
the word critical is interpreted as meaning danger or opportunity.
In the medicine Hatsumi taught us, he demonstrated the potential opportunity for
these Kyusho to bring about wellness in the body.
By observing motion of a person as they walk he can determine which tensegrity lines
of the soft tissues are compromised. On evaluation, our Orthopaedic tests and muscle
tests verify these findings in a clinical setting.
By applying, a pressure to the compromised Kyusho with an omni directional
flexibility that is delivered by his bodies Tai Jutsu, (Natural Movement) he releases
the critical point.
This pressure does not act locally on the tissue or follow a specific anatomical route
along muscles or fascia. It follows to the depth of the tissue change and can act in a
non-linear dynamic way that matches the tension/compression changes to the
damaged tissue. This is brought about by the ability to palpate deeply into tissue
without force feedback being a resistant force.

Scientific research by Oshman, J. in 1990 has shown that pressure applied to tissue
can affect the viscosity turning a sol back to gel. This has the effect of reducing a
restriction to a moveable structure instantly.
Hatsumi Sensei explained to us, thousands of years ago before pathology of organs
was understood; Ampuka relied totally on tactile feelings. The natural ability derived
from natural movement allows you to follow the directional pathway of a restriction
and angle your thumb to become a fulcrum for change.
In the art of Shinden, he told us that our energy or intent must come from the heart to
our thumb to instigate the change. My initial understanding of this concept was to be
sincere and benevolent or your intent to initiate healing in the client.
This omni directional palpation is described by him as a feeling from the heart of man
and described in an ideogram calligraphy he drew for me.
“Shin Kokoro Kara Ose”
Press from your heart to your thumb.

Although this is important, more recent research has demonstrated that the heart is the
main generator of electricity in the body in the form of energy. Science also tells us
that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted.
This heart feel is the essence of Shin Den applied through the fingers of the therapist
to the critical point requiring this energy conversion. Your touch can actually inject a
behavioural message or intent into the restricted tissue to help disassemble lesion
You can create instantaneous elicitation in tissue through the connective tissue matrix.
Your anatomical, functional and palpatory assessments allow for both a precise yet
global pressure technique.

The is the key to the Heritage of Hatsumi’s lineage of knowledge applied as a therapy.
The essence of Amatsu is to be able to detect and influence these Kyusho to bring
about change in the bodies physiology.
The science of Biotensegrity can demonstrate the dynamic and potentials of this
approach to a natural therapy. This approach has been protected and handed down as
a lineage for three thousand years.

“To know the patterns is subtle power. The subtle power moves all things and
has no name.” Hawkins. D, Power Vs Force (2002)
A ninja’s duty is surely to sneak into the world of science and ensure that it is
the servant, not the master. Hatsumi (2004) Way of the Ninja p127
Hatsumi Sensei has now passed this feeling and philosophy on to us as a heritage to
help mankind.

I have studied many systems that employ soft tissues for release of anatomical lesions.
Massage, soft tissue manipulation and ligamentous articular balancing all employ soft
tissues and ligaments in altering the pulls or stress patterns in the body.
The unique approach of Amatsu in utilising body positioning behind the contact point
makes it a powerful and dynamic method of correction.
He explained to us that techniques are born from the circumstances of the situation.
He summed it up with the following statement:

“The spirit and feeling of a technique are more important than the mechanical
ways to achieve it”. Hatsumi Lectures.
He told us that without this skill you are only pressing, in Japanese this is called a
Shiatsu, to finger press.

Its Tai Jutsu and your feeling that differentiate it from pressing to being therapeutic.
You must be able to palpate deeply and influence the directional route of the lesion.
This is the ageless heritage that brings the wellness from the person.
Takamatsu sensei: “if people remain healthy throughout their life, are
right-minded and neither rush nor are late in their actions, the natural
result is a ticket to paradise, and this also becomes a way for joining
together and uniting”

In the visceral approach, you are focussing on the tension of fascia around the organs.
We need to integrate the concept of one point approach to a tensegrous structure
changing sol to gel in the tissue matrix.
Your tactile evaluation around the anatomical location of the organs can also
determine the pulls that influence the organ restriction. With this information, you can follow lines of tension to identify other structures in the lesion stack. This helps
to identify the priority structure creating the problem. At this site or Kyusho your one
point contact, angle and body movement can create the fulcrum to dissipate the lesion

Once our anatomy and Tai Jutsu are developed, the skill you develop is addressed in
Hatsumi’s words: UNDERSTAND, GOOD, PLAY!
The Scientist knows that in the history of ideas, magic always precedes
science, that the intuition of phenomena anticipates their objective knowledge.
Gauguelin 1974.

In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was
accomplished by moving energy. Albert Szent-GyÖrgyi (1960)
Pictogram of “Nin” by Massaki Hatsumi.
Translate to mean, “To endure, to persevere.”


Castaneda, Carlos. Readers of Infinity

Deman, Thomas. M.D. Spine state of the Art reviews.


Gyorgyi, Szent. Albert

Hatsumi. M, Dr. The Way of the Ninja

Hawkins, David R., 1995 Power vs Force

Lovelock, J. 1979 GAIA New look at life on earth.

Oshman, J. 2000 Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis.

Schauberger,. Victor.

Takamatsu. Sensei


Hatsumi. M. Dr. 1995, 2003

Levin. S, Dr. 2005

Oschman. J, 2005


Flemings. T.

Levin. S, Dr. www.biotensegrity.com

Snelson. K, www.kenethsnelson.net [http://www.kenethsnelson.net]

All of the above are tensegrous strut structures.
Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

©Copyright Dennis Bartram November 2004 Updated April 2005

Natural movement strategies are low energy consuming, omni directional, flexible as in walking

