Economical Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector
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Economical Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector review
The Cobra XRS 9545 14 band radar/ laser detector with new DigiView data display technology, has the innovative Voice Alert function as well as a built in digital signal strength meter, city/ highway selector, automute, IntelliMute, dimmer, LaserEye 360 degree detection and KU Band Detection. This unit is VG-2 & Spectre 1 Undetectable and alerts you when these tracking devices are being used. Additionally, the XRS 9545 has Safety Alert, Strobe Alert and a memory function. The most impressive feature, however, is the GPS locator with lifetime updates to the Aura Camera & Driving hazard database. With this option, you will be warned of fixed speed and red light cameras, speed traps and dangerous intersections across North America. The AURA database is updated daily and provides the industry's most complete and accurate coverage. This product is FCC Compliant, is RoHS certified lead free, and comes in packaging made of recyclable materials. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!
ListpriceEconomical Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector Overviews
The Cobra XRS 9545 14 band radar/ laser detector with new DigiView data display technology, has the innovative Voice Alert function as well as a built in digital signal strength meter, city/ highway selector, automute, IntelliMute, dimmer, LaserEye 360 degree detection and KU Band Detection. This unit is VG-2 & Spectre 1 Undetectable and alerts you when these tracking devices are being used. Additionally, the XRS 9545 has Safety Alert, Strobe Alert and a memory function. The most impressive feature, however, is the GPS locator with lifetime updates to the Aura Camera & Driving hazard database. With this option, you will be warned of fixed speed and red light cameras, speed traps and dangerous intersections across North America. The AURA database is updated daily and provides the industry's most complete and accurate coverage. This product is FCC Compliant, is RoHS certified lead free, and comes in packaging made of recyclable materials.
Economical Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector Specifications
Economical Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector Features
- 14-Band detection--detects 7 radar, 6 laser and 1 safety signal; LaserEye provides 360-degree detection of laser signals
- Includes GPS Locator for programmable location/speed alerts, latitude/longitude info, 8-point GPS compass, and more
- Lifetime updates to AURA Database of speed/red light camera locations
- DigiView Data Display Provides easily recognizable digital text display
- One-year limited warranty
- Detects All Radar & Laser Signals
- Gps Locator For Speed & Red Light Cameras
- Patented Pop Mode Detection
- Digiview Data Display
- Digital Signal Strength Meter
Economical Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector customers ratings
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector. If you want to read those detailsto make your decision on product. Click to see all customers reviews & ratings here ! !
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Cobra XRS 9550 G High Performance Radar/Laser/Safety Camera Detector