If you are reading this article, it is likely that you are concerned about possible spyware infection, and are eager to discover a legitimate, reliable program to free yourself of this common problem. Even though it may not be your favorite way to spend time, taking a break to select and install an effective spyware program will save you days of frustration and possibly hundreds of dollars.
Of the multitude of anti-spyware programs available, there are programs that vary greatly in feature set, effectiveness, and cost. Worse yet, many programs marketed as anti-spyware programs are bogus! Here we will review three programs which have proven track records in fighting spyware infection, all of which offer quality performance for free.
Born Boots Reviews
1) Ad-Aware 2008
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Ad-Aware from Lavasoft was among the first generation of anti-spyware programs developed, remains one of the most popular, and has a reputation for quality earned though years of performance. The 2008 version has been optimized for faster scanning and improved detection, and includes an updater which runs in the background when activated. Features included in the full version of Ad-Aware 2008 include real time "Ad-Watch" guard, heuristics scanning for unknown spyware/adware programs, a scheduler, and plug-ins.
The free version, though lacking some of these enhanced features, easily detects and removes most malware.
Features in Ad-Aware 2008 include:
- Scanning of RAM, system registry, hard disk drives, and external storage devices
- LavaSoft ThreatWorks, with which you can submit suspicious files to Lavasoft for analysis
- Windows Vista Compatibility (both 32- and 64- bit versions)
2) Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6
Like Ad-Aware, Spybot -- Search & Destroy has been in the anti-spyware business for a long time. Version 1.6 includes features commonly found in the best spyware removers in the market, and is completely free.
Improvements in this version include faster scan times and an enhanced interface, including the display of scan results in a tree.
Features in this version of Spybot include:
- support for a dozen browsers
- an "Immunizer," which blocks many web-borne infections before they happen
- a File Shredder
- a registry tool to fix changes to the system registry made by spyware
- Hosts File allows you to block adware servers from your computer
- System Startup allows you to decide which programs start when you boot up
3) Windows Defender
Windows Defender is a free release from the most well-known software company in the world, Microsoft. Included in all versions of Windows Vista, Windows Defender is available for any valid copy of Windows XP with service pack 2 or higher installed, or any valid copy of Windows 2003 with service pack 1 or later installed.
Features of Windows Defender include:
- Real time protection
- Easy recovery in case you accidentally remove a program you wanted to keep
- Scanning on-demand or on a schedule
- Works in the background, designed to protect your PC with minimal interruption
- Regular updates available
- The ability to send suspicious files to Microsoft for review.
The 3 Best Spyware Removers