Some people don't understand how to join the U.S. Army or have any idea of the joining process. You don't have to be a U.S. naturalized born citizen or have any special education to enlist. It is not too difficult to join as one may think it seems to be but if you're willingly to go through the process with the recruiting station then you're ready to join.
1. Visit Your Local Recruiting Station
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Joining the army begins with you visiting your local recruiting station. An active duty recruiter will help you with the process of getting started with your minimal efforts. You just need to be a pre-qualified candidate who meets eligibility requirements such as age, citizenship, education, weight, physical fitness and pass a background check. You will also have to provide some documentation for the recruiter to verify and authenticate who you are.
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The heroes and the villains of the Marvel Universe make the leap from the comic books to your action figure collection with these allnew Marvel Universe Action Figures! Each figure stands 3 3/4 tall and comes with accessories to save the day or conquer the world!
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Marvel Universe 3 3/4 Inch Series 11 Action Figure #31 Marvels Dark Hawkeye Dark Avengers
2. Taking the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test
The second step for you is to take the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery test which consists of arithmetic reasoning, paragraph comprehension, word knowledge and mechanic. You can find practice books at your local library, college campuses, high school or order them online. Studying for the Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery test will increase your chances of having higher test scores and career opportunities available to you. Also, if you score above the 90 percent passing rate, then you are eligible for an enlistment bonus up to ,000 dollars.
3. Visiting the Military Entrance Processing Station
The third step for you is to take your full physical examination done by an army doctor. Your recruiter will schedule an appointment for you to visit the military entrance processing station. You won't be able to enter the facility without someone who has a security clearance level. Your recruiter will take you to a nearby hotel for you to spend the night. You will have to wake up early the next morning to be bused to this facility. The army doctors will check your hearing, vision, weight, blood, urine, genitals and also ask you to perform some exercises.
4. Selecting an Military Occupational Specialty
The fourth step is visiting an army counselor who will assist you in selecting your military occupational specialty. The army counselor will list military specialities determined by your Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test scores. After you've picked your military specialty, then you will sign your contract and swear in using your right hand.
5. Review Your Contract and Shipping Out to Boot Camp
The fifth step is for you to go back to the recruiting station and review your contract with your army recruiter. The recruiter will explain everything that you've agreed with the army counselor such as bonuses, military specialty, shipping out date and benefits. Once your recruiter has finished discussing your contract, your final step is shipping out to basic combat training. Your recruiter will again pick you up for your last ride to hotel. You will spend another night to be bused to the military entrance processing station and await for your next transportation, either by bus or airplane travel to basic training.
An Overview of How to Join the US Army